Old Character Designs for Sale
Or if you're on toyhouse, I'll do trades for other designs, or high quality art.
Waitress at a restaurant/ tea Café. Loves that place. Maybe she owns it.
Nozua normally walks on all fours. She will frequently walk on two legs if there is a need to. Wings are so sharp she can slice through rock. She is kind and gentle and loves all creatures.
A shoulder to lean on, a friend to call, she'll be there for ya tails and all! Likes to sit in flower fields and play at arcades
Mischievous and fun loving, likes to play little jokes on others
Stoic and serious, loves nature and is protective of his home on the mountain (and the crystal cave beneath it)
trendyyyyy and has a insta workout profile. Drinks a lot of Jasmine tea
She is rather short for a dragon, only 4'8". And her shortness gives her a temper. She is quick to outburst, yell, assume. She's not the easiest to get along with. But if you do, she will have your back.
Studious scholar, knows a lot but isn't arrogant about it at all. In fact, wants to share her knowledge and help others! Enjoys mobile games and mall browsing, is a sucker for claw games. She's an anime nerd and plays all those anime mobile games
Gym dude, kind and protective of others, loves adventure, a little arrogant at times
A Victorian kitty! Family gatherings are her things and loves the family parties long into the night! Has a lovely accent and personality to match! Older sister vibes, she can't cook to save her life though. And like antiques too
Sisters, not by blood but by their deep love and friendship with each other
Orphans who made a pact to stick together through thick and thin but they were also delinquents.
They have a sibling like bond no romance.
Stride can quote the whole bee movie.
Wisteria is very outgoing while Violet is more shy. Wisteria will actually try and "protect" Violet quite a bit, and Violet finds it adorable. Wisteria's main method of protection is shin kicking. Violet couldn't be more proud.
Or if you're on toyhouse, I'll do trades for other designs, or high quality art.
Ezra was in a blizzard with her hair wet. It froze, and now she loves it so much that she made it a fashion statement.
She tends to be secluded.
She also tends to be unfriendly and unsocial.
She will not smile for anything. She's cold, harsh, rude and can be a brat.
She loves fashion, and cool colors.
Shy and timid fiery colored bat.
He is nervous most of the time.
He's very territorial. He hates others being in his way.
Very antisocial.
Princess, motherly kindness, loves children and wants to protect her kingdom
girl - older, the main talker, reads fanfics a lot and enjoys movies
boy - younger, more quiet, packs a punch, chooses the outfits
Wisteria is very outgoing while Violet is more shy. Wisteria will actually try and "protect" Violet quite a bit, and Violet finds it adorable. Wisteria's main method of protection is shin kicking. Violet couldn't be more proud.
Or if you're on toyhouse, I'll do trades for other designs, or high quality art.
Mephesto's a timid and sweet chimera.
Head of a goat, forepaws of a lizard, back paws of a goat, snake-like tail, dragon wings and a lion mane are all the parts that make him up.
Cameron is his default name.
Probably in his teens.
Fabulous, and flamboyant as all get out.
Wears a lot of hot pink.
Could be a fashion designer, or photographer.
Or if you're on toyhouse, I'll do trades for other designs, or high quality art.
Desert gal, she reminds me of a fennec! Loves to do road trips, has at least one item that says "wanderlust" on it. Dreams of owning an RV and doing van life
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